We are the study abroad experts at IU Indianapolis.
The Study Abroad Office is your go-to resource for information about and help with IU Indianapolis overseas experiences.
Part of the Office of International Affairs, we work with students, faculty, staff, and anyone else interested in study abroad at IU Indianapolis.
The Study Abroad Office Mission
The mission of the IU Indianapolis Study Abroad Office is to enhance all students’ cross-cultural understanding by providing meaningful overseas experiences. We live in a world of interconnected societies, and the need for responsible, global citizens continues to grow. Therefore, it is essential for students across all disciplines, education levels, and personal backgrounds to experience the world beyond the walls of our university and the boundaries of their home country. We strive to meet the individual goals and interests of students by offering a range of study abroad programs that vary by length, language, location, discipline, and pedagogy. These programs challenge students to explore their own values and beliefs while enriching their understanding of others. Particular emphasis is placed on international service learning as a means for students to establish a deep connection with and understanding of their host community.
What We Do
- Work with partners on campus and all over the world to provide overseas experiences that are meaningful and meet students’ needs
- Connect students with the ideal programs for their interests and goals
- Help students understand the value of international experiences, integrate study abroad into their educations, and access financial aid
- Assist program directors with planning successful experiences
- Encourage international service learning
- Support of curriculum internationalization by encouraging the use of IU Indianapolis Dimensions of Global Learning
- Provide IU Indianapolis offices and schools with data and other information about study abroad
Tap into Our Expertise
Want to find your ideal overseas experience? Need assistance planning a program?
Contact usExpanding study abroad at IU Indianapolis
IU Indianapolis committed to increase study abroad participation by 25 percent from 2013-2019 through the Generation Study Abroad initiative. During the 2015-2016 academic year, IU Indianapolis achieved and exceeded this goal.
We believe in the power of experiences abroad and are dedicated to make this possible for more IU Indianapolis students.
Generation Study Abroad is an initiative of the Institute of International Education.
Study Abroad at IU Indianapolis : A White Paper
In January 2016, IU Indianapolis’s Study Abroad Advisory Committee released Study Abroad at IU Indianapolis: A White Paper detailing promising practices and recommendations for strengthening study abroad.