Steps and Resources

Learn about important steps and resources for leading a study abroad program.

Ready to lead a study abroad program at IUI? Get all the information you need in the steps below.

  • Support for Your Program

    The Study Abroad Office offers a variety of services and resources to support the creation, promotion, and management of your program. See a detailed overview of services provided by the Study Abroad Office.

  • View Program Design Resources

    The Study Abroad Office has compiled this tool to demonstrate different levels of a well-designed study abroad program. The taxonomy serves as a resource for both new and existing programs, identifying the attributes necessary to maximize the overseas experience and encouraging program leaders to enhance the depth and intensity of their program design.

    View the Study Abroad Taxonomy

    Dimensions of Global Learning
    The IUI Dimensions of Global Learning are designed as a tool for faculty, staff, and administrators to help them develop more intentionally global and intercultural learning experiences across the curriculum and co-curriculum. 

    Developing a Study Abroad Program
    See the Director and Assistant Director of Study Abroad explain the process of developing a study abroad program during their presentation at the Gateway to Graduation Spring 2017 Retreat.

  • Develop and Submit Your Proposal

    Indiana University’s Overseas Study Advisory Council (OSAC) must approve all programs that involve faculty working with students outside of the United States. This includes independent study classes and noncredit courses. Learn more about proposals, including guidelines.

    A streamlined proposal process has been created for non-credit, one time international student experiences. Learn more about this process, including guidelines.

    First you will submit your proposal by email to our director of study abroad. Our staff will work with you to complete your proposal and make it as strong as possible. Then we will submit it to OSAC. A subcommittee will review your proposal before OSAC approves it. You can submit a proposal at any time. Programs must be reapproved each year they are offered.

    Note: If you plan to engage in a research project that involves human subjects during your study abroad program please make sure that you and your students receive IRB approval prior to your departure.

  • Global Service Learning and Volunteerism

    Ethical cross-cultural volunteer experiences and academic service learning always:  

    1. respects the rights of host partner(s) to co-define project goals and determine roles and responsibilities of hosts and volunteers;
    2. properly prepares volunteers to interact meaningfully and respectfully with hosts [e.g. inclusive of local NGO staff, residents, clients, patients, etc.];
    3. abides by established ethical and legal standards of both the host community partner(s), professional licensing, host country policies;
    4. appropriately vets local NGOs and program providers to ensure that organizations are engaged in authentic partnerships and have credibility in the host community where the volunteer activities or service learning program will occur;
    5. in collaboration with host partners, attends to the sustainability of projects/programs to insure that programs help to strengthen local community systems rather than provide one-off interventions that do not attend to longitudinal outcomes.

    Learn more about global service learning volunteerism

  • Manage the Finances

    You should meet with your department’s fiscal officer early in the study abroad program development process. Then meet with him or her again at least six months before departure each year you offer the program.

    Your fiscal officer can help you develop your program budget, determine prepayment deadlines, and navigate the IU systems necessary for making program payments.

  • Apply for Grants

    This grant can help you develop your program:

  • Attend a Program Director Workshop

    All program leaders must attend our workshop, Planning Ahead: Safety and Security in Study Abroad Programs. The workshop covers different crises you may face abroad, how to avoid them, how to respond to them, and how IUI will help you. See our events calendar to learn more and sign up »

  • Manage Your Program

    Study abroad programs have many aspects, so we recommend reading the IU Office of Overseas Study handbook for running study abroad programs, as well as academic policies and IUI eligibility policies.

    You should develop clear expectations for program participants. (See this example.) We encourage you to review the expectations during the program orientation and ask students to acknowledge their understanding of the expectations.

    You can review student applications and pre-departure forms in iAbroad. Click on the program name. To check the progress of students’ applications or pre-departure materials, click “View Applicants’ EForm Progress” at the bottom of the page. To review a student’s application, click his/her name and then click “View the Application Dossier.” For more detailed directions, see this step-by-step guide.

  • After the Program, Submit a Director’s Report

    You must submit a director’s report within a month of your program’s end. Reports must be submitted through the OSAC online submission link below:

    Post-program evaluations will be forwarded to you from the Study Abroad Office to include with your submission.

    Also see the IU Office of Overseas Study handbook for running study abroad programs, as well as academic policies.

Also make sure to see the pages about emergency information and health insurance, the Prepare for Your Departure section. Additionally, get faculty and staff information from the IU Office of Overseas Study and learn about the Office of International Affairs’ curriculum development resources.