After Your Return

Your time abroad is just the beginning of your life-changing experience

You’ll enjoy the effects of your international experience for the rest of your life. And when you return to IUI after study abroad, you have lots of ways to continue to follow your international interests, starting here on campus.

Readjust to American Culture and Reflect on Your Experiences

We encourage you to actively reflect on what you did, saw, and learned and how it applies to your life.

Get Involved On Campus

Explore Indy's International Side

Go Abroad Again

Including Your International Experience on Your Resume

Consider an International Degree or Career

You’ll definitely want to list your international experience on your resume. You may even want to pursue a career that has an international focus. Learn about international careers » 

Indiana University and the Career Services Council have purchased access to GoinGlobal, which provides country-specific information for domestic students planning to intern or work abroad. After logging in via CAS, students can access "GoinGlobal" career and employment resources under 'Students/Alums.' Visit GoinGlobal resources »