Non-IU Programs

Didn't find an IU program that fits your needs and goals? Not a problem.

Work with our office from the beginning to apply and receive credit. IUI students can participate in programs with other institutions and receive transfer credit. Don't forget that the program must be pre-approved.

Unsure of where to start searching for external programs?

If IU programs do not meet your needs and goals, try starting your search on the IIE or StudyAbroad databases.

Please note that per IU policy, students typically may not study on programs under a US Department of State Travel Advisory with a Level 3 or 4 due to related health and safety reasons.

The Process is a Little Complicated

The pre-approval process involves working closely with the Study Abroad Office and your academic advisor to ensure that the credits you receive will transfer. It is possible to use financial aid and scholarships on non-IU programs. Once the process is complete, you will enroll in a special placeholder course at IUI for the term you are abroad.

For graduate students, credit from a non-IU program must be pre-approved for transfer by their department and school, and in some cases by the IUI Graduate Office. Graduate students must still work with the Study Abroad Office on the rest of the approval process.

Contact our office to set up an appointment or begin the approval process for your external program. You should start this process at least 8 weeks before your departure.