Service Learning Programs

Make a contribution to communities abroad and earn college credit.

International service learning brings together two powerful educational experiences—study abroad and service learning.

Explore Service Learning Programs

What is International Service Learning?

International service learning (ISL) is a course-based, credit-bearing educational experience in which students are supported in:

  • Participating in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs in a location outside the United States, and
  • Reflecting on this service activity to gain a deeper understanding of course content, the specific community with which they are working, cross-cultural issues, and an enhanced sense of their own global relationships and responsibilities.

Why is ISL Important?

We have identified ISL as an important means of helping you connect with your host community when studying abroad. Through ISL, you will step beyond your role as a student, tourist, or foreigner and begin to shape yourself into a neighbor, partner, and friend.

Through these connections with your host community abroad, you will learn more about your host country, your major, and yourself. We strongly encourage you to consider building an ISL experience into your college plans.

How can ISL aid without harming?

We also have a responsibility to ensure that these learning opportunities have a positive impact on you as well as your host community. Learn more about how IU Indianapolis is making ethical considerations a priority in ISL or find resources for how to find an ethical ISL experience.