Fall Career Week 2020

The Benefits of Study Abroad in Your Career and the Workplace

You’re gonna get the experience necessary to work with diverse cultures and populations which make you an employee a step above others.

Career Fair Employer Participant

Study abroad may not be possible right now, but we look forward to supporting you once the situation with COVID-19 stabilizes and international travel becomes possible again. In the meantime we encourage you to use this break in travel to explore program options and to thoughtfully plan your experience.

Study Abroad will change your life. You’ll explore exciting places, meet fascinating people, and have experiences that you could never have otherwise—all while developing skills that employers love.

Strengthen the Skills that Every Employer Values

I would definitely suggest doing study abroad. It’s something I look for in résumés. If I see it I ask about it!

Alex Totten – Leadership for Educational Equity

Study Abroad has been shown to develop skills that all employers value. Even if you don't intend to work for an international employer or aren't sure of your career goals, developing traits like resourcefulness, adaptability, resilience, and empathy will give you an edge in any job market.

When asked, 73% of employers stated that study abroad experience was important for evaluating résumés for junior-level positions. There are programs out there for any IUI student studying any major. Find out what programs are best suited to you based on what you study.

Develop Marketable Expertise

Simply having this new perspective of the world will help you as a new graduate be marketable and stand out among the competition

Jen Mulzer – Director of Talent Acquisition and Development, Emmis Communications

In an increasingly interconnected and global marketplace, studying abroad quickly and effectively build proficiencies that will help you excel. In one survey a majority of students reported that studying abroad improved their teamwork, leadership, and communication abilities. In the same survey, over 60% of students reported growth in language skills, with 48% reporting "significant growth".

As a student in the IU Community, you have access to many Service Learning and Internship programs where you can live and work in an international context. This unique and hands-on experience is valued by employers and hard to come by outside of Study Abroad.

Bring Valuable Understanding and Awareness to the Workplace 

I was able to come out to be more confident, more secure, more curious, and more grateful.Adriana Zermeño - Study Abroad Returnee

Study Abroad lets you engage with your host community in a way that builds true cultural awareness. That firsthand knowledge of living and learning within international cultures is key to nurturing the personal qualities valued in every workplace. One survey found that, after studying abroad, a majority of students reported growth in:

  • Flexibility
  • Curiosity
  • Confidence
  • Self-Awareness

Such improvement in maturity and intrapersonal skills helps explain why more than 50% of Study Abroad alumni say that studying abroad broadened their career goals

Build Your Professional Network

Study abroad can help you build that résumé and change your career trajectory forever!Marie Mackintosh - Chief Operations Officer, Employ Indy

You may already know the importance of building your professional network within your own community. Study Abroad is a unique opportunity to expand that network much further than your campus or your city. Your host family, students and faculty living in your host country, or other students studying abroad, could be valuable resources in helping you find your ideal domestic or international job.

If you're thinking about working overseas, Study Abroad can be critical in helping you get pre-acclimated to the local culture and getting your foot in the door with overseas employers. One survey found that 8 out of 10 HR executives say that study abroad experience was an important factor in decisions about overseas job placement.


  • Contact Us

    We want to answer your questions. Send us an email, or give us a call!

    EMAIL US: abroad@iu.edu  

    902 W. New York St., 
    Education and Social Work Building, Room 2129B
    Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA
    Phone: (317) 274-2081 
    Fax: (317) 278-2213 

    Drop-in Advising available:

    Monday and Thursday: 9am - 4pm

    Friday: 9am-12pm


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